Saturday, December 12, 2015


Hi all, i am happy to say i am now in an informed position to be able to tell you all what will be happening in regards to our play station option file. Firstly i need to let you all know that there
are pieces of information i am not allowed to give at this present time, im sure you'll all have a few questions but i cannot speak on certain aspects just yet. Now on to the option file. The following will be based on what you probably already know mixed with what i am allowed to discuss which will indeed be fact not guess work which brings me to what is the focal point of this piece, which platform will the option file be on? Well as you all know there has been a rather large question mark over whether option files will be possible on next gen consoles. It emerged a week or so ago that save data can be saved onto a usb device but it may not be as simple as it seem. Regardless of this there is still no image importing or saving on the PS4 and by the looks of it there wont be any time soon so with that being said our PES 2015 option file will be on the PlayStation 3. As well as being to import images there are other factors which came into play which will be revealed at a later date.
Lets not get things confused i am in no way saying don't get a PS4 or play next gen PES, it is absolutely amazing on the PS4 but if its full customisation your after this year then i would recommend the PS3 version. Now your probably wondering am i able to say what the file will contain? well yes and no. I can say that the Bundesliga, Liga MX and J league will once again be included with all the usual trimmings plus more. Pretty much everything that was included in the last file will be back plus more which i will reveal once im aloud to. Well thats pretty much the long and short of it right now, our option this year will be on to PLAYSTATION 3. As for information regarding the XBOX option file Daymos will inform all what is happening when the time is right. Thanks all and i look forward to revealing more news involving option files and edit mode in the future.