Saturday, December 12, 2015
have been working Closely with PlayStation 4 manufacturers Sony to somehow find a solution that will allow the sharing of option files in full. I say in full because up until now it had been revealed that only image importing would be possible ( see here ) on the next gen console. Now what does that mean? as i know not everybody will be completely clued up on the ins and outs of option files and sharing. Option files consist of data files which are basically the work we input into edit mode manifested in individual files. Theses files are then saved on our consoles which we would then transfer off of our system and upload to the net for users to enjoy. As stated this hasn't been possible up until now due to console restrictions but now it seems Konami and Sony have or at least are working on a way around this although i must stress and this is important. Adam went on to state things are not "certain" and that further "tests will be performed in the coming weeks" but things are "getting somewhere". I may as well add as i know someone is bound to ask, there is no change on the Xbox front. Whether its 100% certain or not i at this point i think this is a huge leap in the right direction and im confident the tests will be successful. What do you think? is this good news? you excited? I know i am. Why not hit the forum as i know there's alot of you who'll have something to say on this.
Option file sharing for PS4 looks all good so far (like PS3). Will be testing in the coming weeks and will update. Time to party #PES2016— Adam Bhatti (@Adam_Bhatti) July 16, 2015
Sorry for not being certain, but huge thanks to @PlayStation for their continued collaboration and support. We're gettin somewhere! #PES2016— Adam Bhatti (@Adam_Bhatti) July 16, 2015
edit mode,
option file,
pes 2016