Saturday, December 12, 2015


Yesterday (28th August) between the hours of 11 am and 12 pm reports started flooding in that a  PES 2014 demo had hit the Italian Play Station store. I along with many others awaited confirmation on this as i at the time had just started the long (and boring) journey home from work. Word and screenshots of people downloading the apparent demo began filtering through twitter, it was true Italian
users weren't seeing mirages a demo had just sprung up on the PlayStation store without warning. Not long after twitter goers began reporting that the demo was also available in the UK psn store. I at this point began to panic as i along with a few others believed this to be some sort of mistake as there was no way konami would put out a demo without letting us know first and feared it would be taken down sooner rather than later. NOOOOO! I had to get home. I began mentally urging the bus driver to go faster, go faster, GO FASTER! As you probably imagine this worked about as well as a rival companies on-line servers! Nevertheless i arrived home not to long after, ran straight in ignoring the fact i was literally busting to go toilet, switched on my PS3 and low and behold there it was. I download it asap as i had a feeling it wouldn't be there much longer and surely enough as my download was 75% complete news came in that the demo had been taken down on all psn stores, lucky me huh? 

Any ways i wasted no time in diving straight into the action. If you remember this inst my first time playing  PES 2014 (community day) so i half knew what to expect but the other half of me was just eager to play it once again and play it as many times as i want. I was also interested to see which build it was, community day? gamescom? nah, its an early build said to be around 70% which makes me salivate at the thought of what the official demo (September 11 th) will be not literally!

Once the game loads up and you reach the title menu you notice the crisp crystal like edges accompanied by one of any of the Bayern Munich squad players as they interchange every time you access the menu, notice Monsieur Ribery to the left. There are two modes available exhibition match and training mode. Im gonna focus on exhibition for now and wait for the proper demo then ill give my views on training mode. I guess some can say 'why not wait until the actual demo hits then give impressions?' well i want to show you the difference, the progress that was made between builds and also because i just want to. So for my first game i decided to play as Bayern being the bundesliga lover that i am and chose Santos as my opponents.  

SO into the game and as you may have seen from earlier images released by konami you start in the tunnel area of Bayerns Allianz arena a sight to behold in its self. The attention to detail is simply amazing and gives a real authentic feel to the teams about to walk out onto the field. The first thing that grabs your attention when the players do walk out is the stadium atmosphere, WOW! The pixel perfect fans, the sunlight gleaming through gaps in the Allianz roof onto to the damn near life like grass....just WOW!  The stadium announcer along with the thousands of home fans singing their teams chants just add to the realism. As the teams kick off and you pull off the first pass of your PES 2014 experience you will feel a difference, i guarantee it. There is nothing robotic in passing the ball at all even with full passing assistance on. The movement of the ball feels both smooth and natural that teamed with the players animation it just looks real. Whilst on the subject of passing let me touch on through balls etc. I remember a few people complaining that in PES 2013 splitting defences with through balls was way to easy. Well not only do you have to get them damn near inch perfect but the defence seems a lot smarter this year than that of its predecessor, you rarely get that kind of a chance to simply split the defence and if you did if a defender is good enough they will catch you trust me it frustrated the crap out of me. Defender AI seems overly improved and a lot less predictable also you will find scoring cut back tap ins a lot more difficult than you think. yes this may be down to the demo's difficulty level which was pinned on superstar but hey who wants an easy game? there's nothing like scrapping for a win right? 

Speaking of improvement one of the greatest on field improvements has to be the goal keepers in most aspects. I say most because being an early build yes the goal keeper did make a few flappy attempts to save what seemed like easy shots at goal. I scored an outside of the boot shot with Balotelli which the keeper pushed into the goal but these are things i guarantee konami have worked on between early build and now and expect to see great improvement in this area come the real demo. So any ways that aside the keeper animations themselves are just beautiful. The way a keeper punches, catches , throws and kicks the ball now looks fluid and natural. Now a quick word on the refs. They seem a lot stricter now and rarely ever little a silly tackle go unpunished. I've had 4 sending off's since playing and lord knows how many yellows. I've also conceded 2 penalties both of which were scored, damn it. 

Before i rap up part 1 i want to stress as i said before this demo was put out by mistake and was of an earlier build and in no way represents the final product. Yes it has very very impressive elements but there were a few faults which as i said i know will have been worked on and that of which i will be talking about come september the 11th. As you can tell ive kept this brief, well thats because i want to save steam for the actual demo where i will go into things alot deeper so for now enjoy reading and ill see you all on the 11th. dont forget to hit the forums to discuss anything in this article.

All images featured in this article are not of my property and were not taken by me.