Saturday, December 12, 2015


With all the latest PES 2015 news flying out recently and more than likely even more on its way especially in and around Gamescom I thought it would be the perfect time to lay out what the future holds for PES world as a site and as a team. Firstly let's talk about the changes that have already happened. This past weekend we unveiled our new site address, along with our new forum address This was something I had actually been working on for a while but was having trouble with the site transfers etc. This change was an important one as the previous name GTM PES world outlayed what I myself had done and my work. This is no longer the case, what we do is not a one man effort and I wanted to express that through the website etc, however please note I am currently unable to change the name of our Facebook web address, something about physically proving your place of business but never mind that's a small sacrifice. Along with the site address change came the site makeover which most of you will already know happens pretty much every year at around this time. So what does the future hold? Well you may have noticed a few new page links have popped up on the site, these being the shop and pod cast pages. The PES world shop page is something myself and Lee have been brain storming and we hope to be able to bring users and PES fans some great items to purchase in the near future so stay tuned. The PES world pod casts ( and vid casts ) is something I am pushing for very much and we hope to bring you the thoughts, words and impressions of ourselves, the fans and some prominent names from within the PES community so defiantly keep your eyes peeled for this. Next let's talk forum. The PES world forum come PES 2015 onwards will be used as an outlet for a lot of the stuff we do and users will see the benefits of interacting on a regular basis with things like early option file access and maybe even awards for the biggest contributors. Since Lee and myself decided to open the forum just under a year ago we've seen nearly 6000 new arrivals, it's time you all made yourselves heard don't you think? Now i would like to talk about something a tad important to me. Over the last few months i have brought you more and more PES related news. This is a reoccurring theme in which i will continue to do from here on in. Although editing and option files are what brought me to the dance its not what i want to be pigeon holed as doing, PES World is about ALL things PES, editing, option files, news, views, impressions the lot. Now that brings me to what indeed brought us to the dance option files. With PES going next gen this year alot of people have asked 'will we be working on PS4 or be sticking with the PS3?' As of right now i honestly couldnt tell you. There are factors which need to be determined before even we know in which direction we will be heading and that includes Daymos and his XBOX file work. my extreme hope is that there will be a way to import images onto the PS4 as i am dying to make a next gen file but if its not possible then i dont know but we will keep you all notified every step of the way. Well for now that is everything you need to know about where we are heading in the near future. Theres so much to look forward to in the coming months and hopefully exciting times ahead especially where PES 2015 is concerned but as always we want to hear what you all think. is there something i havent touched on? anything else you would like to know then and yes you guessed it, head over to the forum and let us hear your views and questions. Thank you all for being on this journey with us so far after all you are the reason we do what we do.

thank you all team PES World.